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Routing+™ is Arute’s Route optimization solution using highly advanced metaheuristics algorithms designed to minimize the total cost of optimization. It is designed to solve the following planning challenges of everyday operations by land vehicles:

  • High Operational Costs

    With rising oil prices, the fewer vehicles travel, the lower the costs. If the same operation can be carried out with fewer vehicles, the better it is for the total cost of operation.

  • Low Utilization of Vehicles

    If a business already owns vehicles, it should utilize them as much as possible. Low utilization of vehicles indirectly incurs costs to the total operation.

  • Strict SLA Requirements and Penalties

    Businesses serving other customers should abide by certain SLA requirements which if they cannot adhere to, they would need to pay penalties. Any planning needs to account for the hard constraints of SLAs.

  • Long Plan Creation Times

    For daily operations, for multiple plans, and for situations in which there need to be additional plans produced for changing traffic conditions, all this planning has to happen fast, within minutes, otherwise, the window of optimization opportunity might be lost.

  • Simulation and performance evaluation tools

    Users can run simulations with different parameter sets. For example, a user can select to prevent replenishments on weekends to see the impact on the replenishment schedule and amounts.

  • Arute’s Routing+ solves all of these challenges and provide optimal routes within minutes which minimize cost and conform to SLAs!

Routing+ has 3 flavors

  • Order to vehicle assignments for predefined routes
  • Capacity or weight optimization for each vehicle and each route
  • Optimal reconstruction of fixed route based on changing orders with demand prediction
  • Optimal routes for daily distribution of any type of goods (cold-chain, boxes, FTL or partial, etc)
  • Uses real-time traffic data for dynamic optimization when necessary based on ad-hoc requests or traffic conditions
  • Can both optimize distance or time traveled or a combination of both
  • Optimal routes for salespeople or field personnel who needs to visit points without any load
  • Workload balancing between personnel and for days of the week.